Closing Tributes

It’s bit late for for a closing tribute on SoC, but something is better than nothing, right ? So here we go.

Google Summer of Code 2008 was the second SoC I participated in and last year with Gnome was my first. This time the SoC was with Eclipse and it was in one word ‘Awsome’.

In more details, the summer with Eclipse community was a great experience, Specially my mentor David Carver who supported me in every stciky situation in the process and believe me when I say without his support it would have been a nightmare for me (one badspot with Eclipse is its lack of up-to-date documentation in certain areas). So my heartfelt thanks go to David and all the Eclipse community who helped me to have an easy learning curve.

You can check all 2008 SoC Eclipse projects here. More info on the project I was working on – Eclipse XQuery editor can be found here. The code can be checked out from Eclipse incubator repo from here – Also we have setup a download site for the plugin. If you are interested, please get a copy for yourself and check it out and let me know what you think of it.

Lastly, I’m hoping to continue the project and already have a long todo list prepared. Also my thanks go to all who voted me in as an official commiter for the project. Currently paper works are being carried out and hopefully I will soon get CVS access to Eclipse repo as an official commiter.

Btw, I got my SoC shirt and certificate last week and they will be great mementos to remember this summer with Eclipse. For all these great stuff a big thank goes to Google and specially its Open Source division.

GSoC 2008 mementos

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